Sunday, June 26, 2011

Rest Between Two Deep Breaths

From the time I woke up this morning I did not feel well. I rallied, however, as I had company and was also scheduled to cantor at church. Oh how I just wanted to crawl back into bed for a little while, but no, I had to get up and get moving. Upon arriving home, I fixed a quick breakfast for myself and small lunches for my folks who were leaving to return home after their weekend with us. I had about a half hour of downtime before heading back to the theater to watch my daughter's matinee, but I did not dare relax or sit down for long, in fear that I'd find it tough to leave the house.

Her performance went well. Afterward I met up with a former student and met her children which was lovely. It was a nice drive home too as my husband, son, and I shared some laughs, but I was again feeling under the weather. Upon arriving home I crashed. With company gone and my husband back at the theater to help the cast strike the set, the house was peacefully quiet. I relaxed on my bed and listened to the birds singing outside the window. Even the puppy seemed to know I needed a little rest for she settled down and napped under my bed.

Despite how I was feeling however, I began thinking of what needed to be done. Had the laundry been switched over? Should I cook up that hamburg in the fridge? Then it dawned on me. Today is Sunday. It's meant to be a day of rest. It's also a Sunday evening and I am not correcting papers or prepping for lessons tomorrow. I love that.

The school year is over and although I must take my son to the orthodontist in the morning, there is nothing else that is pressing and needs to be done. After taking him to his appointment we could go out for breakfast or lunch. We could sneak off and catch a movie or we could make a few pit stops, take a walk on the beach or play a game of miniature golf. Or we could just drive back home, take the puppy for a walk, cook up something special for dinner, or even play foosball. I could even come home and crawl into bed if I need to. But hopefully, I won't need to.

Activities and scheduled events and company are all wonderful, don't get me wrong. But I do have to admit how nice it's been this afternoon as I enjoyed my comfortable bed with the sound of the birds chirping outside, and as I realized I can sleep in tomorrow morning and go to bed as early or as late as I wish to tonight.

Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two deep breaths. ~Etty Hillesum

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