Thursday, December 29, 2011

Gripped by Grisham

For Wednesday, December 28, 2011

It was a near perfect evening. After going to the movies with my husband and son, I returned home and fixed one of our family’s favorite meals, a chicken pot pie. It was done in no time and after eating, I took time to enjoy the fire my husband had started in the living room. Grabbing a John Grisham book that had been on my nightstand waiting patiently for me to get back to it, I settled in on the couch and returned to chapter one to refresh my memory.

Before long I was gone, far from the world I’m in and smack dab in the world of a clergyman named Keith and a criminal named Travis. An innocent man was about to be executed for a crime he did not commit, and only a guilty man suffering from an inoperable brain tumor can save him.

Reading for fun, even if fun is packed with nail biting tension as with this novel, is a luxury I seem to sacrifice far too often during the school year. My magazines from the autumn months have piled up and the stack of books in my bedroom always seem resigned to wait for the next vacation. But I had one wish for myself this Christmas vacation and that was to relax on the living room couch to read in front of the fireplace. I wanted a lazy vacation and I wanted to be able to say I’d read that Grisham novel that had been staring at me all season long.

When my vacation started there were Christmas cookies to bake and needhams candies to dip. There were presents to wrap and stocking stuffers to buy. There were decorations to finish hanging, foods to bake, and a guest room to clean for company. The day after Christmas I fell into the family room sofa and watched a movie with my family. The next day I took off for the afternoon to enjoy a hair appointment with my daughters in tow. Each night I went to bed I saw my book. I promised myself I’d be sure to open it the next day.

After settling in on the couch tonight I opened my book. I am only 200 pages in and only a third of the way through it now I think, but I already know it was worth the wait. But I am already vowing not to let too much more time pass before I crawl back into its pages. After a good night’s sleep, I’ll be back for more.

It doesn’t take much to make a perfect evening for me. A fire in the fireplace, a comfy couch, my fleece blanket, and a little encouragement to relax with a good book is all I needed tonight. As for tomorrow, I’m going to need Travis to come clean and save that innocent man on Death Row.

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