Monday, January 24, 2011

A Big Black Cat named Boo

In my next life I'd like to come back as a cat. Not just any cat however, but a big black with the personality of my nearly 12 year old black cat Boo. You see, I'm feeling cranky tonight. I can be loving and patient and affectionate, and I usually AM, but some days I just want to wait at the end of the stairs for the next person going up and attack their legs, just for the heck of it. I want to pounce on them and make them fear me. And then I want to go up to the sweetest thing in the house (which is usually our dear 16 year old dog Charlie), and swat her face, just to be a brat.

I want to leave black fur all over everyone's clothes when I decide that the most comforting place to sleep is in the closet. I want to hide when company comes and make everyone wonder where I am. I want to come out only when I feel like it, like when someone is enjoying a big bowl of ice cream, and then I could lick the bowl clean while teetering over their shoulder as they try to watch tv.

I want to scratch at the door or at the rug when I want to come into a room or be let out of one five minutes later. I want to fool everyone into thinking I want to be petted and then turn and bite them when I've had enough loving. I want to cry to be lifted onto the counter where my food is, day after day. I'd know I could make the jump but I want everyone to give me a free lift, just so they'll know who is really in charge.

Yes, I'm feeling cranky tonight. I want to be selfish and do what I want. Yes, in my next life I want to be a big black cat named Boo.


  1. I'm glad you're not a cat now; I've never been a fan.

  2. Don't wait for your "next life"
    just take a Boo Day.

  3. Just thought you'd be interested in another big black cat named Boo.
